Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Re-Design Update

I completely re-did the Amfleet coach to include better detail, and interior, and much improved internal bearing trucks that can be built with standard wheelsets (with the ends filed down flat) or with the included 3D printed wheelsets.  I have done this a couple time previously with "some" success but still needs to be fully vetted:  I have not run 3D printed wheelsets so can't attest to them being good for operation.  But it opens up a new page of opportunity... different wheel sizes, more accurate flanges.. etc.

I also completely re-did a 89' TOFC flatcar I had previously designed to also be better detailed and have the new/improved trucks and movable 5th Wheel Stands.  It's very much like the Bethlehem 89' flatcar used by Trailer Train in the 70's and 80's.  It has talgo style roller bearing trucks.  This is a test to see how it turns out..the first was ok, this one should be much better. 

Also working now on a 100 ft turntable.  Stay tuned!

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