Friday, January 24, 2025

Layout Progress Report--Jan '25

The East Norwood Z-scale layout is taking shape!  The track plan hasn't changed--much--I found I had enough room to add a track to McCullough Yard.  

Benchwork is in  




The benchwork consists of 5 modules, which I (wisely I think) chose to have built by a professional wood-worker, Stuart at T-Track by Denniston.  The cost was very reasonable and everything went together extremely well.  This layout isn't really intended to be "portable" but I wanted it to be easy enough to dis-assemble when the time comes to move.  The yard area is one big module now, there's a corner, and two "long straight" modules for the B&O Midland Sub.  

Here's how they looked before installation, which was using simple and cheap shelf brackets, screwed into studs (and between them with drywall adapters).


I attached the back boards which are included.  Everything was sealed with Varithane.  The light-blue sky color is AMY HOWARD AT HOME: One Step Paint - French Blue - Chalk-Based Paint.  I really like this blue.  

Lighting was rigged up by adding some strips of Gatorboard with LED light strips on them.  I'm planning to add some kind of curtain valence over them eventually. 

The track plan has been printed and laid out, by the next post I should have track laid.  I'm using all Atlas Code55 Z scale track and turnouts.  I picked up a BlueLine Snail controller for power, the intent is to have three blocks.  One for the engine house/hostling tracks.  One for the yard classification tracks, including the lead/connection to the Midland Sub.  And one for the Midland Sub.   Subroadbed is 1/2-inch Gatorfoam and roadbed will be 1/8" cork.  

Oh I picked up a "Squealer" from Iowa Scaled Engineering to add sound to the curved lead, that should be interesting!

In other news:  

 I've begun posting a few of my T-scale models on Thingverse along some other misc models in other scales.  

I love this el-cheapo airbrush!  I had thought I would skip airbrushing due to the size of the compressor and pain in the butt required to keep it clean.  On a whim I decided to try one of these.  Only $50.. It turns out I am getting way better results with this than I ever got with my compressor and Badger Patriot.  Nothing against them but this thing is so easy to use.  Never clogs.  No worries with hoses as I just leave the little compressor attached.   I've been shooting mostly Tamiya acrylics (as professed by Boomer Diorama) thinned with ISO alcohol that I have ample stock of due to (yes) breaking down and getting another 3D printer.  I got exactly the same one I had before, Phrozen Mini 8K.  I'm having a great time making new stuff again.. among them a Z scale 52' gondola. 

Well, until next time, happy modeling!!!

Saturday, October 26, 2024

Fall 2024: Change Happens

Sorry for the long delay since the last post..but I've been busy!  Since my last post I have relocated across the country to a beautiful Sierra Nevada mountain cabin near a lake, thus creating a lot of work between the housing transactions and logistics of moving.  I'm sure you understand modeling was set aside (literally) while I've been doing this.  But now (late October) I'm pretty well settled in and am getting my hobby work going again. 

Complicating matters vis-a-vis modeling, my new location doesn't have a great deal of space for a layout or workshop.  It does have space (more on that later) but it's at a premium.  Good thing I like to model in small scales!  But I won't have the size workshop area I used to--so 3D printing and painting will be more complicated or non-existent for a while.  I haven't given up on 3D printing or airbrushing, but it will just be more difficult and at least in the short term I'll be sticking to brush and rattle can paints, and no printing (maybe Amazon Day will have a deal on a Mini 8K too good to pass up..)  So in the meantime I'm not modeling in T or ZZ scale (nor producing any new models in those scales for a while.)

Modeling in Z Scale

I'm also going to be adding a new scale to my repertoire: Z scale (1:220).  Given that I can't 3D print for a while, and frankly given that the T-scale track situation isn't getting better, I decided to try my hand modeling in a scale that at least has a good selection of RTR models and good looking North American style track, with turnouts that function properly.  

But what to model?  With the ex-SP Roseville Sub. and Donner Pass not far away, you'd be thinking a mountain mainline theme would be appealing?  On the contrary:  I'm planning on modeling a little slice of Ohio out here in the west.  Do I miss Ohio?  Maybe a little. 

Some of my overall requirements:
--6' x 6' space for layout, along the walls.
--Z scale to maximize use of space.
--Modular shelf construction that can be dis-assembled and moved relatively easily.
--Use readily available commercial track.
--Modest design/track plan.
--DC power with blocks.
--RTR rolling stock with minimal extra detailing, painting & weathering needed.

As for the prototype:  I'm a fan of motive power and variety of rolling stock, so I'd like an engine facility and yard;  I also would like some switching to keep me busy, but nothing too complicated;  I like recreating prototype scenes.  And I am a fan of Conrail, the B&O, and the modern day I&O regional. 

After some time mulling this over, an area of Cincinnati came to mind as an almost perfect fit: Norwood, OH.  Specifically the junction between the ex-B&O Midland Subdivision (formerly Ohio Division mainline between Parkersburg and Cincy), and the lead to McCullough Yard (former PRR CL&N).  This was at one time a crossing, but that was removed when the Norwood GM plant was shuttered in the late 80s.  I could realistically include anything from B&O and PRR to PC, Conrail, N&W/NS (who had trackage rights over the Midland before NS acquired the old Big 4 from Sharonville to St. Bernard), CSX and of course the I&O under a variety of owners up to G&W.   The industry and scenery along the line has changed a bit over time but a lot has remained the same.  There are some nifty old structures that crowd the yard lead through East Norwood.  I've railfanned around there for many years and have tons of photos as well, and have fond memories of the area.

View looking at McCullough Yard from Highland Ave.

 The idea is to include a selectively compressed stretch of the Midland Sub, generally from Bond Hill to Oakley, the junction to the PRR/I&O at East Norwood, the lead to McCullough Yard and the locomotive facility.

--McCullough Yard (with Inglenook-style switching)
--B&O GK Tower-East Norwood Jct.
--I&O locomotive facility w locomotive shop
--Cohen Scrap (need to research old business there)
--GM autorack lead
--Zumbeil Packaging

View looking at the former location of GK Tower and McCullough Yard Lead on left.

 I'll try to use existing structure kits (for example the loco shop will be the HTT loco shed or the new Archistories engine house).  I'll probably use ScaleScenes card buildings for Cohen and Zumbeil.  But GK Tower will need to be 3D printed (or scratch built) which I'll design and build.  I'll also need some B&O CPLs for East Norwood.. probably also 3D printed.
Operations will include switching Norwood Yard; Local traffic for Cohen, Zumbeil;  Interchange with B&O/CSX (which later is I&O to Queensgate).  The engine shop will have some activities as well, there's a sand tower that should get a covered hopper, and locos can be shuttled from service to ready tracks.

Here's the initial track plan.  Let me know any comments or suggestions--!  I look forward to "breaking ground" soon and sharing updates here. - Jesse

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Spring '24 Update

It's been a while since I posted to the blog and several projects have been completed (and started) since the last update.  This one has quite a few pics, hopefully that helps make up for the delay.

Stockists Update (aka where to buy CCE Models):

Last fall I agreed to send CCE brand kits and parts to two retailers: (with worldwide distribution) and Fusion Scale Hobbies in the USA.  It's taken a while but they both have a few items in stock currently.  I admit to being somewhat lax about supplying them with more.  I get involved with development a new model and test prints, and don't really dwell on production.  I'm going to try get better at that in 2024!  

If you have some specific models you'd like, please email me and I'll get a batch done.  I'm currently working on some M scale.. errr.. ZZ scale items for someone who emailed me.  And for that matter, if you have a new model or decal request I might be able to help out with that as well.

Rolling Stock Roundup:

I've been quite busy working on T-scale rolling stock this spring. 

After getting good results with the revised open hoppers, I expanded to doing more fine details like handrails and pipes--and a pantograph-- on models that I would've previously attempted with etched brass or steel.  I have handrails down to less than 0.20mm diameter in places, but up to around 0.23mm when more strength is called for.  The pantograph pick ups on the E-33 below are thinner than that!   Success depends on designing for strength, and properly placing the supports and using small contact points (down to 0.19mm) in places--but not all.  My normal support contact area is usually 0.23mm diameter.  Another tip is to let the model air dry after washing for 24 hours or so, then trim the smallest supports away with a sharp X-acto blade.  The other key to success is the 80-20 blend of Phrozen Aqua 8K/Onyx Impact Plus (see my previous blog post).

I did a brand-new locomotive: the GE EL-C (also known as the E-33 on Penn Central/Conrail).  This arose from my work on the N&W Train Master, which sparked my interest in the Virginian Railway.  I went down the rabbit hole and now we have the EL-C and a Virginian prototype 80-ton hopper car as well in the line up.

Above is a test model (notice the failed handrail).  Below is the final model as a Conrail E-33.

Here's a new 60' modern tank car (really a much-revised re-do of my old design that used etch for the railings/platforms).  This is 100% 3D printed in resin and capable of withstanding handling (gently). 

Here's the ACF 4750 cu ft covered hopper (PRR-Conrail H-45) from the last blog decorated with decals.  This model will be at stockists soon.

 Here's a Train Master done in Southern Railway decor.

The Demise of M-Scale!

But don't worry, I'm still modeling in 1:300 scale..  I simply learned that this scale has already been named "ZZ" scale.  Apparently a Japanese company has made some models in this scale previously, so I guess I've been doing ZZn3 for the WP&Y, EBT, D&RGW and D&SNG models.  I'll update any model kits/decals as I get to them.  Speaking of which, I made this EBT caboose.  Note: I'm aware that the number is wrong and I've since corrected it to 27.  The real question is did they have the roofwalks painted in Oxide Red or was it black?


WP&Y Layout Update:

I'm about 98% done!  There needs to be a little detailing done and maybe a figure or two added.  I kinda want an old GMC Suburban to park in the lot at Fraser.  There is a really pesky track continuity issue that has arisen at the turnout but I'll get that squared away.  Some of the lessons learned on this layout are that this T-gauge Flexi-track can be unforgiving and it does expand and contract.  Any future track will be securely glued with construction cement to the roadbed (not wood glue as I did this time) and will  have multiple feeders.  I have 3 on this but should've added more..  The new track feeder attachment from will definitely come in handy for this.


Bridge 7B


Morning at Fraser, BC.

Well, that's it for now, so until next time happy modeling! 

- Jesse

Monday, December 18, 2023

Fall-Winter 2023

In Shops Now... CCE Models Products

This fall I began supplying CCE brand kits and parts to two retailers: (with worldwide distribution) and Fusion Scale Hobbies in the USA.  So far, this inventory is of CCE couplers, some passenger car kits (the Budd fluted-side Parlor Car and a CN smooth-side coach) plus the TrainMaster (N&W and some other versions).  Check out these retailers and inquire about CCE products if you don't see stock.  While you're at it--buy a few FP9s and 6-axle powered, and adjustable chassis to stock up.  And the Pin-Point wheelsets.. buy a 20 or 100 pack as there are several freight cars and an F7B coming that will need them.  Remember, if you want to see more new products in this new scale, the manufacturers need to see support.  I purchased a couple Class 67s even though I don't model UK!  They are still great models to own.

Other developments:  

As mentioned, the Budd fluted-side parlor car (PRR design), a CN lightweight coach and a CN baggage car have all been shipped to the shops noted above and fit the Adjustable Chassis.  The CN cars closely resemble those of other roads if you aren't too picky.  Just decorate them appropriately--the following may be helpful:

A decal set is available for the passenger cars that has markings for multiple companies and can be used on any of the cars.  Fusion and both should have these in stock.


Several new road-specific versions of the TrainMaster have been made, including SP, Reading, Southern Railway, and Virginian, along with decals. I'll be sending a couple of each to the retailers.  The N&W model is in stock at Fusion currently and should be at as well.

Hoppers old and new:  I designed a new 80-ton open hopper and re-designed the 100-ton open hopper to go along with the N&W Train Master.   Here's the N&W 80-tonner showing the end bracing--all 3D printed and robust enough to not break very easily.


I also did a refresh of the ACF 4750 cu ft covered hopper (a la PRR-Conrail H-45) so it's 100% 3D printed including end bracing and ladders.  This saves the trouble of bending the etch which was quite difficult to get right.  The details and contours were also improved.


 WP&Y Layout Update:

The lake (Bernard Lake) has been poured!  I used Woodland Scenics "murky water" with the lake bed painted with WS olive drab and tan shoreline, with a blend between the two done with airbrush.  Overall it was pretty easy and took two full pours (about 2 pints).  The shoreline has the usual surface tension thing that happens with these poured resin waters...  I may play around with some matte finish to mitigate the leeching effect and build up the shore ground texture a bit near the water.  The background rock and foliage was airbrushed with some light gray to blend it with the backdrop, which was printed by a friend in a continuous strip.  Overall, I am satisfied with the effect of looking across a wide lake with forced perspective.  Now to finish the foreground scenery adding some trees, etc. install the Fraser water tank/station.. then run some trains!  I need to paint up a pair of the DL535Es...

This has been another year of tremendous growth for T gauge, and I think 2024 will be even better!  I hope everyone has a great holiday season, and look forward to more modeling in the New Year.

 Until next time! 

 - Jesse  (email any questions or requests to me at ccetrains "at" gmail)

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Late Summer '23 Update

In Shops Now... an RTR CN FP9!

The big news of the summer is the release of a North American prototype locomotive that is fully decorated and ready to run: an EMD FP9 in the classic Canadian National "tiger stripe" livery.   I worked with the manufacturer of T Gauge models in China to get this extremely accurate 1:450 scale model to market.  It was quietly released in late July and is currently in stock at  

Here's a pic out of the box, albeit with a flush pilot insert w. CCE coupler.


These are 3D printed and so are not quite as strong as an injection-molded body.  This is important when doing any modifications as the shells can (and will) crack if squeezed or pushed too hard.  I'm amazed at the painting and printing--colors are opaque, separations crisp, and the number boards are legible.   

 I'm currently finalizing a super detail kit for the FP9 that will make it just a bit more accurate for us rivet-counters.  It includes:

  • Pilot insert with a CCE (or scale) coupler
  • CCE couplers that plug into the standard coupler draft gear on the trucks
  • Fuel tank cover
  • Blomberg truck sideframes
  • Clear inserts for the windshield, cab windows and portholes.  
Given the size of the model, it goes without saying that these details take a bit of patience to add, but the end result is worth it.  Here is the windshield insert being test-fit.  Note it's secured with a tiny bead of Krystal Klear around the edges.  The RTR FP9 model actually has a fairly thick layer of paint, therefore the fit of the windows has to be a little more relaxed.  Ask me how I found this out, a couple broken shells later...


Here are the cab windows and portholes installed.

Other developments:  

In order to have something appropriate for the FP9 to pull, I've made getting some passenger cars to the TGauge shop a priority.  I have a Budd fluted-side parlor car (PRR design), a CN lightweight coach and a CN baggage car that have all been updated to accommodate the Adjustable Chassis.

 I also have an F9B that can be used between two powered  FP9's to make A-B-A or A-B-B-A lashups.  And decals.

In addition, here's a Budd bi-level gallery car in SP colors along one of the H24-66 locomotives being developed.  I have the decals for the SP Train Master and need to get to painting it.  A nice layout of San Francisco commuter trains could be possible!

3D Printing Developments: New Resins and Blends 

The biggest project of the summer has been adapting to some new resin blends.  3D printed models using the standard Phrozen Aqua 8K resin are pretty tough, but could still use some additional strength.  I read about a blend of Aqua 8K and Onyx Impact Plus resins, and after a bit of trial and error work I got the blend dialed in on my printer.  It's now my standard as it's quite a bit stronger than the Aqua 8K by itself.

I was advised to try another resin--Sunlu ABS-Like resin--because it's supposed to be strong/flexible and takes good detail.  As a bonus, it comes in clear.  This opens up the possibility of doing locos in clear and masking off the windshields for a one-piece model.  We'll see how it performs in tests.

I also experimented with Voxelab transparent and Onyx Impact Plus to make a smoke-clear resin to use for windows.   So far I am happy with the results.

WP&Y Layout Update:

The layout is progressing, the mile 5-6 segment is mostly complete, the Fraser side is coming along.  I've added a depression for the lake, and will be trying one of Woodland Scenics water products in it.  It's been painted in olive drab and yellow near the banks.  Some rock/scenery also has been added, and a rough draft of the backdrop printed.

For those of you who have made it this far.. here's a little gift from CCE Models:

Free Plug-in Style CCE Coupler STL file 

The CCE coupler is a much more accurate representation of the "Janney" knuckle coupler than the stock T Gauge couplers for us North American (or Australia/NZ/S. Am.) modelers.  These CCE couplers will plug into the stock coupler pocket on T gauge locomotives or rolling stock.  They do not require the spring.  There are 3 different sizes that can be used where longer or shorter drawbars are needed. 

If you want the RTR couplers, I intend to make sets available at  

But you can download and print these yourself (for non-commercial use only and there is no re-distribution or modification allowed without my permission.)  You will need to have the equipment and expertise to print them.  That being said, I recommend printing using a strong, high-detail resin (I print at 20um, using 80/20 blend of Phrozen Aqua 8K/Onyx Impact Plus).  Other resins may work.  Also, my experience is that Shapeways print materials are not strong enough for these couplers.

I wanted to make these available for free as an incentive to help us modelers achieve more realistic T-scale trains for the non-European/Japanese markets.

 Until next time! 

 - Jesse  (email any questions or requests to me at ccetrains "at" gmail)

Thursday, May 4, 2023

Magnetic Weight

Just a quick post to pass along some experience I've acquired using magnets as "weight" in T-gauge rolling stock.   I was penning an email to a fellow modeler on the subject and thought I should just share this.. so here we go:
As most of you know, the physics of T-gauge (and other small scale railway models) is quite challenging.  Un-powered rolling stock models are typically so low mass, even with weight added, that they are extremely difficult to keep on the track.  Locomotives get around this with magnetized wheels.  Weight can be added to your other stock, but the size is so small that you can't really add enough in most cases.   Several years ago I came upon neodymium magnets--rare earth magnets that are very strong for their size.  I found they could be purchased in sizes that could be concealed in T-gauge rolling stock so got some to experiment with.  I've since found my favorites and have been pleased with the results.

Where do you get them?  There are several suppliers, but I (in the US) get mine from K&J Magnetics. 

I use two sizes/styles:
When I design models I provide recessed areas for the magnet;  In theory one could drill holes I suppose.  
Here is a 3-bay hopper.  Note the spine of the car has cylindrical cut-outs for the magnets.  The magnets install flush with the spine to allow for a profile that hides them--not that many people are down at trackside view at 1:450 though.  With paint they are basically invisible. 
Here's a passenger car frame set up for the block magnet.  It will invisible when installed as part of the frame.

Installation can be tricky due to the size and strength of the magnets.  Get a pair of plastic tweezers because any tweezers of ferrous metal won't be able to "drop" the magnets.  Are there non-ferrous tweezers?  And the installations like the hopper are tough because the second magnet always wants to jump to the first one.. but it can be done.

To secure them, I secure with Krystal Klear -or- UV cured adhesive (or ACC) when speed is needed.  Notice how the magnet is invisible after installation.

How well do they work?  Pretty well!  I don't want the pull force to be so much that the car isn't movable, but you also want it to hold the car to the tracks.  Frame height is the rule of thumb for me.  
Here's the hopper car with two round magnets securing it. Note how the car is tipped about 30 degrees and doesn't fall off the rails.  But it still rolls nicely.

I hope this helps!  

I'll be publishing a new update in a week or so with some other news and follow-up on my various projects.  - Jesse

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

1Q 2023: More Projects than Time

CCE Models:  If you're interested in an older CCE model printed by Shapeways, feel free to email me.  I have a bunch of old prints that I'm willing to part with for basically the cost of shipping since the resin I'm using now is so far superior in terms of finish and durability.  I'm also going through old designs and revising them with better details or improved fit/finish, making the old models obsolete.  For example, I'll be re-doing the bi-level gallery cars, the 1:450 hoppers, and more.  I'm also semi-seriously thinking about doing some retail kits--I made some sample FP7 kits (shell and decals) in a few roads.  Feel free to inquire, as these would be excellent test models to practice on or just a bargain, if you're willing to go with the older material.

3D Printing:  I did successful tests of the clear Voxlab resin for windows in a CN lightweight coach as well as the 1:300 coach and DL535E.  The windows are very satisfyingly flush, and easy to install compared to my other techniques--Krystal Klear and clear decal film.  I'm setting up my 3D workshop with two separate vats:  One for Aqua 8K Gray, and one for Clear.  Saves time cleaning, etc.  I did my first FEP change-out as well, and thanks to YouTube for the easy-to-follow instructions!

T Scale Narrow Body (GP38) Chassis:  This is still on the back burner;  I've been working on models that are "drop on" for the existing chassis for now, like the H24-66 (see below).  To be continued...

New and Improved T Scale FP7/9):  The RTR FP9 model is still in development, some back-and-forth regarding paint schemes.  In the meantime, as mentioned I have some FP7 kits (shell and decals) put together.  If you want one, email me.  $10 each plus shipping.  Roadnames: B&O, SCL, MILW.  I've been refreshing the passenger cars that would be good pulled behind these, such as the CN lightweight coach, a Budd lightweight stainless steel coach, and the Gallery cars.

FM H24-66 "Train Master":  The experience with the DL535E on the 6-axle chassis lead to the thought of doing a "drop on" shell for the chassis in T-scale.  Fairbanks Morse's Train Master locomotive dimensions are close enough, and the prototype already has a slightly thicker hood than EMD or Alco locomotives, so I decided to test one.  It came together well, and the oversize hood thickness doesn't detract.  I'm testing some different paint schemes (Reading, N&W, and SP) and if you're interested in getting a kit for one of these, let me know--I'll probably do them similarly to the FP7.

Mn3 Rolling Stock: I finished up the two hopper designs and painted up one of each;  I will be testing some EBT rolling stock at a future date.  I have two DL535Es on the workbench just waiting for paint.

WP&Y Layout Update:  Scenery is almost done on the Bridge 6B side;  Many more trees and bushes from Dan at Scenerytime and a backdrop have been installed.  Rock was weathered with several washes of different colors to try capture the varied coloration from lichen, water, and dirt that washes down the faces.

 Track also got some weathering with dark gray chalks.

I also finished up the Fraser Water Tank/station.  This is 3D printed with some details added.  The ropes to raise/lower the spout are 0.13mm Tungsten wire.

Seems like the blog is taking on a "Quarterly" format so look for an update sometime this summer.  

- Jesse  (email any questions or requests to me at ccetrains "at" gmail)