The East Norwood Z-scale layout is taking shape! The track plan hasn't changed--much--I found I had enough room to add a track to McCullough Yard.
Benchwork is in
The benchwork consists of 5 modules, which I (wisely I think) chose to have built by a professional wood-worker, Stuart at T-Track by Denniston. The cost was very reasonable and everything went together extremely well. This layout isn't really intended to be "portable" but I wanted it to be easy enough to dis-assemble when the time comes to move. The yard area is one big module now, there's a corner, and two "long straight" modules for the B&O Midland Sub.
Here's how they looked before installation, which was using simple and cheap shelf brackets, screwed into studs (and between them with drywall adapters).
I attached the back boards which are included. Everything was sealed with Varithane. The light-blue sky color is AMY HOWARD AT HOME: One Step Paint - French Blue - Chalk-Based Paint. I really like this blue.
Lighting was rigged up by adding some strips of Gatorboard with LED light strips on them. I'm planning to add some kind of curtain valence over them eventually.
The track plan has been printed and laid out, by the next post I should have track laid. I'm using all Atlas Code55 Z scale track and turnouts. I picked up a BlueLine Snail controller for power, the intent is to have three blocks. One for the engine house/hostling tracks. One for the yard classification tracks, including the lead/connection to the Midland Sub. And one for the Midland Sub. Subroadbed is 1/2-inch Gatorfoam and roadbed will be 1/8" cork.
Oh I picked up a "Squealer" from Iowa Scaled Engineering to add sound to the curved lead, that should be interesting!
In other news:
I've begun posting a few of my T-scale models on Thingverse along some other misc models in other scales.
I love this el-cheapo airbrush! I had thought I would skip airbrushing due to the size of the compressor and pain in the butt required to keep it clean. On a whim I decided to try one of these. Only $50.. It turns out I am getting way better results with this than I ever got with my compressor and Badger Patriot. Nothing against them but this thing is so easy to use. Never clogs. No worries with hoses as I just leave the little compressor attached. I've been shooting mostly Tamiya acrylics (as professed by Boomer Diorama) thinned with ISO alcohol that I have ample stock of due to (yes) breaking down and getting another 3D printer. I got exactly the same one I had before, Phrozen Mini 8K. I'm having a great time making new stuff again.. among them a Z scale 52' gondola.
Well, until next time, happy modeling!!!